Friday, April 30, 2010

hi classmates!!!
this time i´m going to speak about the night of the 27/02... in my country that night was a huge and sudden earthquake, about 3.30 am, I have been on the pc till 3 am talking to my friends, then I went to take a shower before I go to sleep... after bath I went to bed around 3.30... when I just went to bed the earthquake started and I quckly stood up and dressed, then my parents and sister stood up too while the earthquake was still, the house craking much and the light turn off, then the earthquake finish and I turn on the radio in my cell and we found out what had happen and the magnitude of the earthquake at the national level. after hearing the news I went to see how my neighbors were, because their are very old... but their was ok, then I back to my house and I continued hearing the radio... then I go to sleep about 2pm... so in summary in this way I pass the earthquake

have a good week everyone!! bye

Friday, April 23, 2010

hello my classmates!
this time I going to speak about my future profession,physical therapy.
in my view are some skills that every physical therapy must have... an example of this is the vocation of public service, this is the most important because if you don´t have this, you gonna hate your job.
In my opinion the meaning of be a physical therapy is very important be care about you patient, because you gonna treatment you patient for a long time.
my expectations with the physical therapy is be a competent professional that can help people who need my help.Because everyday is more the people that go to the physical therapy to tratment for them wounds.
I decide become a physical therapy because since my childhood I have been very interested in the human movement.

have a good week everyone!! bye

Friday, April 16, 2010

hi everyone

hello classmates!!my name is freddy... i´m going to tell you about me.i have 18 years old,i live in santiago, i´m student of physical therapy, this is my first year in the university the travel from my home to the university is long, about 1 hrs... i hope pass all my subjects.i like play football and taca taca, have a good time with my friends.

have a good week evryone!! bye