Friday, June 18, 2010

Hi classmates!!!

this time I´m going to speak about my favourite picture, I like this photograph beacause in this one I appear with all my friends...dantonino,dj maicol, patito,nashone,el father,el xino and pollo...after the graduation ceremony.

that day was very special because was the last time that I visit my loved school as a student then since there day I visit regularly to visit my teachers.

so we was the penultimate course in graduate so we had to endure almost eight hours of ceremony for our turn and when it finally arrived we was just about five minutes on the stage, the time was so short that my parents did not take me photograph, so this is one of the few that I have,this one in particular was taken by one of my father´s dad mr sergio, when all the parents come to take us photos.

have a good weekend everyone!!! see you later!!!


Friday, June 11, 2010

hello classmates
this time I´m going to speak about the education in my university and what I think about that...
first, I think that university of chile is the best university in the country and maybe the best in southamerica,but it don´t mean that the teachers will be the best.Of course that the university have great teachers but the more of them are migrating to the private university, for many reasons, for example the number of hours, but the greatest reason is the money, as private university can pay a lot of money to the teachers then they decide to opt for the money rather than prestigie of the university.
for this reasons the education in chile is going down, because the money rule in this world... sadly if you don´t have money you can´t access to a quality education, then this is a vicious circle in which we are all immerse, and the authorities... like they have business related to education, never legislate for equality, because if the education is equal for everyone they don´t win the huge amounts of money... for all this reasons the education in my country is dreadful.

have a good weekend everyone!!!!see you later!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hello Classmates !!
this time i´m going to speak about the different stereotypes that I can find in my faculty, for example in physical therapy there are a lot of sport guys, many of my friends go to the gym or practice any sport, often using sport bags and dressed with sport wear.
other example of stereotype is the medical they are always studying, trying to be the best in all the class, even in my CFG (baile de salon), the medical students are the most applied, them also have a physical stereotype: tall, white skin, green or blue eyes.
the nurses are the most tenders and helpful.
the nutritionist seen how very hippies and relax people and very thin
the medical technology students always play with us Foosball in the CES.

in the college are other kind of stereotypes, according to affinity for certain types of music like is metal, party music,pop... or according the sports that they do like is football, tennis, ping pong.

The CES for example is of the entire university, but the reality is that is owned to physical therapy, because is so difficult to see another kind of student if you go there,always can see physical therapist playing Foosball, ping pong, eating or sleeping. I belong to this stereotype of people, the one that play all the lunch Foosball.

have a good weekend everyone!!! see you later!!