Sunday, September 26, 2010

childhood memories

hi classmates!!
this time i´m going to write about one of my childhood memories... long time ago, i had a bunny that i bought when i was about seven years old... when i bought my bunny he had like two months... was small like twenty cm whith color stained white and black... so i decided call him "rabito"(a name whit impressive cretivity)...since child speaking in english XD... so i asked my mom that buy any carrots and letucce... then we went to our home and we took the rabit from the box and left in the yard.

my bunny made my very happy,althought it didn´t made any sound... his only one talent was asking for bread by standing in his two hind legs when he heard the sound of the bags usually at tea time...and also open whit his snout the garden door when he wanted to enter at home.

lived with us for many years.. like seven and he "died of old age"one year after that i moved from home...his last days was very sad because he could not move his back legs and his only option was to move creep in the floor

so this was the history of my happier memory from my childhood,i hope that you have fun with this tale and take care for your pets to live so long as my rabbit could.

have a good week everyone!!!se you later!! study for the certamen of KBLC that we (the physical therapist) have the tuesday.

Monday, September 6, 2010

a new semester

Hi classmates
this is a new semester of english (i hope that it will the last) and on this occasion i must to talk you about a free topic... this time i chose to talk about a great movie called "into the wild".
this movie was recommended by a friend at a time when that i was going through bad times... so this movie was really inspiring for me at that time of life.

the movie talks about a student which tired of so many lies in his life decide away from it all... changed his name to alexander supertramp, abandonmento to him own family beacuse that was based in only lies... and begins a journey to get to alaska and find out who he really was... in the middle of this trip obviously he lives many adventures,and when he finally arrived into the wild,in alaska,becomes sick beacuse he eat a poisonous plant... so he alone and scared in the middle of the wild,discover that true happines is only real when is shared...i will not say the end of the movie,so you have to see this great movie to know what happens.

is a really deep movie, have to know hoy to read between the lines sometimes, but that makes it even more entertaining.

well my friends... this was the best movie that i have seen,i hope that you enjoy with this brief synopsis and see this film when you find it out there...
have a good weekend everyone!!!see you later!