this time I´m going to speak about my ideal job...
I want to work as physical terapist in a hospital or in a practices,but I don´t want to work in a private clinic because the public sistem needs people that really love their job and no´t only the money and that is the kind of profesional that I would to be. In specific I want to have in the future the specialitation in traumatology(I really like this area of my carrer) because the physical terapist have in this area a intimate relation with the patient, but I do not like working with children or crazy grandparents... so I just wont to deal with sane adults.
I think that I can´t have a boss beacause I don´t like follow orders, I prefer to take my own decicion and make all by my own, but in the supposed that I must to have a boss... I think that he must be very comprehensive and respect my opinions.
but in my ideal job I have to work a few hours too and have a lot of time to spend in the things that I really want to do, like share with my friends, have time to spend with my family... in sumary free time to go out when I want.
this kind of work would make me very happy because I pass a lot of time with my patients and I wolud have a lot of free time to spend in every thing that i want to.
I hope that you are entertained with the description of my ideal job
have a good weekend everyone!!!! see you later!!!!!
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