Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hi classmates!! this time i have to do again a free post and i can not think that i can talk about... but as i´m in a hurry because i have to go to study... so i´m going to talk you about what i will do when my vacations begin...

first i´m going to eat a huge barbecue with my friends in a place near to de university call "la mazmorra" that we always look,but we have never entered... after this great meal i going to my home and i will throw away all the useless guides and will clean my disastrous room...

in the holidays like christmas or new year... i will pass at home of some of my family in concepción o valparaiso in these parties where are many people but few friends,so this holidays will be a boring days because i don´t talk so much with my family.

also i go to take a short trip with my friends that we have been planning long time ago to los molles 2.0 (because the last summer we go too to los molles),but this trip think that going to be shorter than the other one,because all we are busiest than the last year...and this time i really go to mochilear with another friend becaue the last summer i can´t join to the mochileo by family problems,so he was to mochilear alone.

but the truth is that i think that almost all my time i will go to use it with my girlfriend...

well my dear friends, thats all that i want to tell you about what i will do in my vacations, for all the physical therapists remember study for the test of KIEM and prepare the exhibition of the paper for KBLC and do the video! have a good week everyone!! see you later!!


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