Friday, October 22, 2010

brain and learning

hi classmates this time i´m going to talk you about a specific neuromyth that I read in the chapter six of the book that the teacher sent us.
but first we have to know what is a neuromyth... neuromyth is basically all the teories that have served to form the current knowledge on neurosciences,this theories may be true or falses and be complementary,modify or contradictory to a previous one.

the myth that i´m going to talk you is titled "there is no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided by the age of three".the main idea of the text is that the first three years are crucial for his or her future development and that practically everything is decided in this age so the kid must be constatly stimulated in their first two or three years.

the basis of this theory are the process call "synaptogenesis".The synaptogenesis in the human been reaches its maximum at the two months of life,after that the synapses begins to decline until the ten years,after this decline period is reached the adult number of synapses.

also an experiment "confirmed" twenty years ago in studies in rodents that synaptic density increase in rats with a enriched eviroment,while that,the rats in poor or insolate enviroments have a low density.

all conclusion this myth is not totally false,because the enviroment can also change the neuro composition
have a good weekend everyone!! see you later! study for the certamen of KBLC.

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