Friday, November 19, 2010

My experience learning english at the university:a reflection

Hi classmates!!! this is the last time that i´ll go to write in this blog...i hope to aprove this subject and not have to do the next year because this subject take us a long time that we could use to study our career subjects...
my experience learning english has been pretty good because the most classes have been a new experience for me for example: the regular classes where the teacher always speak us in english and it improve our listening skills, in my childhood i never had an english class made entirely in english just a part of the class was spoken in english;the listening was a new form of evaluation,for the same reason (i never do a listening at the school);the blogs for me has been a totally new experience, because I´ve never written in a blog, even in Spanish. I enjoy a lot when we come to the computer room, because it is a very relaxed class, where we can talk and write about topics quite relevant, but sometimes they are irrelevant,however, we can express all that we think about it because it is evaluated.the blog helps me a lot to improve my writing skills... earlier in this year I never thought write more than forty words, but now in the last of semester we are writing more than three hundreds words!!
in conclusion i have practiced all the english that i knew from school... but i don´t think that i have learned a huge amount of english this year so the subject in the subsequents years should have more words related to the area of health because in the first semester we haven´t a reading about that topic.
Well my friends... this is thet last post that I´m going to write in my blog...
Thanks for read this blog weekly!!
have a good year everyone!!pass all the subjects!! see you later!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hi classmates!! this time i have to do again a free post and i can not think that i can talk about... but as i´m in a hurry because i have to go to study... so i´m going to talk you about what i will do when my vacations begin...

first i´m going to eat a huge barbecue with my friends in a place near to de university call "la mazmorra" that we always look,but we have never entered... after this great meal i going to my home and i will throw away all the useless guides and will clean my disastrous room...

in the holidays like christmas or new year... i will pass at home of some of my family in concepciĆ³n o valparaiso in these parties where are many people but few friends,so this holidays will be a boring days because i don´t talk so much with my family.

also i go to take a short trip with my friends that we have been planning long time ago to los molles 2.0 (because the last summer we go too to los molles),but this trip think that going to be shorter than the other one,because all we are busiest than the last year...and this time i really go to mochilear with another friend becaue the last summer i can´t join to the mochileo by family problems,so he was to mochilear alone.

but the truth is that i think that almost all my time i will go to use it with my girlfriend...

well my dear friends, thats all that i want to tell you about what i will do in my vacations, for all the physical therapists remember study for the test of KIEM and prepare the exhibition of the paper for KBLC and do the video! have a good week everyone!! see you later!!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

free post

hi classmates!! this time i´ve to make a free i have no thought of anything to talk about,but then i looked out my window i notice that it´s now i know what to talk you,about the changing climate.
as we all know is spring... and it is assumed that we should have a template climate, in wich the range of temperature not vary beyond ten degrees between day and another,however,between today and yesterday we have notice the great change,from a sunny day yesterday to a day with rain today.
these days with changing weather bring many problems to the people, that go beyond the simple fact about what to wear, i mean when i say problems to the complications such as disease product of the sudden changes of temperature and it brings a full in hospitals,or losses in the agricultural industry wich he can not produce a sufficient number for the harvest,are in the obligation to make massive layoff and leave many people unemployed no shape to meet the expenses,also the animals at this time of year many calves are born and the rain can kill them,the soild is also eroded because is atypical that in this date rain,the flights are suspended and all this things brings negative concequences.
however,everything that i have saidsuggest that i hate the rain,but in fact i love the rain because is very relaxing to listen to fall,walk in the rain or eat in a rainy day... but at the same time i think on the harm that these rains bring to the people. dear people i must say farewell have a good weekend everyone!!see you later!!study for the test and make the video for kiem!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

dealing with stress at university

Hi classmates!! this time i´m going to talk you about how deal with the stress at the university...

First,I have to say that in the university the subjects are so condensed and so difficult that causes in us the need to learn everithing that we seen in class so fast... that pushes us into a spiral of never ending study...until suddenly we realize that has already spent a semester.

The system into the university doesn´t allow usfree time to do anything outside university like hang out with friends,share whith the family or with the girlfriend... all these things that before was so common to us,now are counted with the fingers of one hand.

So in this context is quite difficult deal with the stress at university,but not impossible... we can do things inside the university itself,like register into a "free cfg" that the university give us to do like salsa,cheerleader,taekwondo...among many others or go to the gym and get some exercise all these are options that are very healty for us,but because of the scheduling (finish the class every day around six) not many people do this...So appear the not so healthy options like hang out with the classmates to any pub and drink,dance and enjoy at the rhythm of the music...which to the next day brings many consequences almost all bad.

well... my dear people i am dismissal,have a good weekend everyone!see you later! study for... nothing! first week that we the physical therapists haven´t certamen,so rest and eat a lot of candys!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

brain and learning

hi classmates this time i´m going to talk you about a specific neuromyth that I read in the chapter six of the book that the teacher sent us.
but first we have to know what is a neuromyth... neuromyth is basically all the teories that have served to form the current knowledge on neurosciences,this theories may be true or falses and be complementary,modify or contradictory to a previous one.

the myth that i´m going to talk you is titled "there is no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided by the age of three".the main idea of the text is that the first three years are crucial for his or her future development and that practically everything is decided in this age so the kid must be constatly stimulated in their first two or three years.

the basis of this theory are the process call "synaptogenesis".The synaptogenesis in the human been reaches its maximum at the two months of life,after that the synapses begins to decline until the ten years,after this decline period is reached the adult number of synapses.

also an experiment "confirmed" twenty years ago in studies in rodents that synaptic density increase in rats with a enriched eviroment,while that,the rats in poor or insolate enviroments have a low density.

all conclusion this myth is not totally false,because the enviroment can also change the neuro composition
have a good weekend everyone!! see you later! study for the certamen of KBLC.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A healthy lifestyle is it possible?? how???

Hi classmates!!!
i´m very happy to talk you again... this time i´m going to talk you about how we can got a healthy lifestyle and how we can improve our quality of life...
a healthy lifestyle is not so difficult...all begins whit the desire to have a better quality of life based on different motivations like improve the physical condition,hypertrophy or just change the routine.
after that we must to try to get a healthy eating,this means that we must eat all the food groups like the vegetables,meat,milk,etc. in normal rations, this kind of food will warns us of diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. in our days change the food habits is quite complicated, because wherever we look we always can find fast food and the temptation is so big and the prices so cheap that sometimes is easier and cheaper buy fast food like "sopaipillas",hot dog or eat in this multinational companies their "combos".despite this we must endure the temptation that this cause us to really obtain results.
also we can complement this "routine food" whit workout session, like go to the gym,run or any activity outside of the routine like dance,do any sport like martial arts football,basketball,volley or any other sport.
sleep is too a way to improve our lifestyle because in our days usually very little sleep for the university, the primary,the job... all this mandatory activities generally require us to follow a strict schedule which dont leave us time to do extracurricular activity.
all this activityes will help us to improve our lifestyles and get a better quality of life, in my specific case i can tell you that this improve our quality of life greatly.
have a good weekend everyone!! see you later!! study for the certamen of evolution that we (the physical therapist) have the monday!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

childhood memories

hi classmates!!
this time i´m going to write about one of my childhood memories... long time ago, i had a bunny that i bought when i was about seven years old... when i bought my bunny he had like two months... was small like twenty cm whith color stained white and black... so i decided call him "rabito"(a name whit impressive cretivity)...since child speaking in english XD... so i asked my mom that buy any carrots and letucce... then we went to our home and we took the rabit from the box and left in the yard.

my bunny made my very happy,althought it didn´t made any sound... his only one talent was asking for bread by standing in his two hind legs when he heard the sound of the bags usually at tea time...and also open whit his snout the garden door when he wanted to enter at home.

lived with us for many years.. like seven and he "died of old age"one year after that i moved from home...his last days was very sad because he could not move his back legs and his only option was to move creep in the floor

so this was the history of my happier memory from my childhood,i hope that you have fun with this tale and take care for your pets to live so long as my rabbit could.

have a good week everyone!!!se you later!! study for the certamen of KBLC that we (the physical therapist) have the tuesday.

Monday, September 6, 2010

a new semester

Hi classmates
this is a new semester of english (i hope that it will the last) and on this occasion i must to talk you about a free topic... this time i chose to talk about a great movie called "into the wild".
this movie was recommended by a friend at a time when that i was going through bad times... so this movie was really inspiring for me at that time of life.

the movie talks about a student which tired of so many lies in his life decide away from it all... changed his name to alexander supertramp, abandonmento to him own family beacuse that was based in only lies... and begins a journey to get to alaska and find out who he really was... in the middle of this trip obviously he lives many adventures,and when he finally arrived into the wild,in alaska,becomes sick beacuse he eat a poisonous plant... so he alone and scared in the middle of the wild,discover that true happines is only real when is shared...i will not say the end of the movie,so you have to see this great movie to know what happens.

is a really deep movie, have to know hoy to read between the lines sometimes, but that makes it even more entertaining.

well my friends... this was the best movie that i have seen,i hope that you enjoy with this brief synopsis and see this film when you find it out there...
have a good weekend everyone!!!see you later!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hi classmates!!!
this time my friends i´m going to speak about my experience writing in my blog... to me, this has been a totally new experience, because I´ve never written in a blog, even in Spanish. I enjoy a lot the Friday when we come to the computer room, because it is the last activity of the week and is a very relaxed class, where we can talk and write about topics quite relevant, but sometimes they are irrelevant,however, we can express all that we think about it because it is evaluated.
the blog helps me a lot to improve my writing skills... earlier in this year I never thought write more than forty words, but now in the last of semester we are writing more than two hundreds words... also I couldn´t write in English, so this class was a challenge to me then I try to do my best to learn to write.
the advantages of blogging in the English class could be... the marked improvement of the quality of writing, the environment of relax in which we can work, the aid that the miss give us when we don´t know how write what we want.
the disadvantages of blogging in the English class will be... the short time that we have to do all the blog before we have to leave the computer room, the time that this activity takes us in our homes... time that we could spend in study for the career subjects...

Well my friends... this is thet las post that I´m going to do in my blog, at least for this semester,because the English subject is coming to an end, so this is the last activity that we have to do... I enjoy a lot this semester writing what I think and much more if the challenge was do it in English.
Thanks for read this blog weekly!!
have a good year everyone!! see you later!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hi classmates
this time I´m going to speak about my ideal job...
I want to work as physical terapist in a hospital or in a practices,but I don´t want to work in a private clinic because the public sistem needs people that really love their job and no´t only the money and that is the kind of profesional that I would to be. In specific I want to have in the future the specialitation in traumatology(I really like this area of my carrer) because the physical terapist have in this area a intimate relation with the patient, but I do not like working with children or crazy grandparents... so I just wont to deal with sane adults.
I think that I can´t have a boss beacause I don´t like follow orders, I prefer to take my own decicion and make all by my own, but in the supposed that I must to have a boss... I think that he must be very comprehensive and respect my opinions.

but in my ideal job I have to work a few hours too and have a lot of time to spend in the things that I really want to do, like share with my friends, have time to spend with my family... in sumary free time to go out when I want.

this kind of work would make me very happy because I pass a lot of time with my patients and I wolud have a lot of free time to spend in every thing that i want to.

I hope that you are entertained with the description of my ideal job
have a good weekend everyone!!!! see you later!!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hi classmates!!!

this time I´m going to speak about my favourite picture, I like this photograph beacause in this one I appear with all my friends...dantonino,dj maicol, patito,nashone,el father,el xino and pollo...after the graduation ceremony.

that day was very special because was the last time that I visit my loved school as a student then since there day I visit regularly to visit my teachers.

so we was the penultimate course in graduate so we had to endure almost eight hours of ceremony for our turn and when it finally arrived we was just about five minutes on the stage, the time was so short that my parents did not take me photograph, so this is one of the few that I have,this one in particular was taken by one of my father´s dad mr sergio, when all the parents come to take us photos.

have a good weekend everyone!!! see you later!!!


Friday, June 11, 2010

hello classmates
this time I´m going to speak about the education in my university and what I think about that...
first, I think that university of chile is the best university in the country and maybe the best in southamerica,but it don´t mean that the teachers will be the best.Of course that the university have great teachers but the more of them are migrating to the private university, for many reasons, for example the number of hours, but the greatest reason is the money, as private university can pay a lot of money to the teachers then they decide to opt for the money rather than prestigie of the university.
for this reasons the education in chile is going down, because the money rule in this world... sadly if you don´t have money you can´t access to a quality education, then this is a vicious circle in which we are all immerse, and the authorities... like they have business related to education, never legislate for equality, because if the education is equal for everyone they don´t win the huge amounts of money... for all this reasons the education in my country is dreadful.

have a good weekend everyone!!!!see you later!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hello Classmates !!
this time i´m going to speak about the different stereotypes that I can find in my faculty, for example in physical therapy there are a lot of sport guys, many of my friends go to the gym or practice any sport, often using sport bags and dressed with sport wear.
other example of stereotype is the medical they are always studying, trying to be the best in all the class, even in my CFG (baile de salon), the medical students are the most applied, them also have a physical stereotype: tall, white skin, green or blue eyes.
the nurses are the most tenders and helpful.
the nutritionist seen how very hippies and relax people and very thin
the medical technology students always play with us Foosball in the CES.

in the college are other kind of stereotypes, according to affinity for certain types of music like is metal, party music,pop... or according the sports that they do like is football, tennis, ping pong.

The CES for example is of the entire university, but the reality is that is owned to physical therapy, because is so difficult to see another kind of student if you go there,always can see physical therapist playing Foosball, ping pong, eating or sleeping. I belong to this stereotype of people, the one that play all the lunch Foosball.

have a good weekend everyone!!! see you later!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

hello my classmates!!!

this time I´m going to speak about a subject of my career, introduction to the physical therapy...

this subject we have all the monday at two o´clock , we learn in this subject about the subareas of the physical therapy, or put in another way... the specializations of the career for exaple neuro,orthopedics,sport or respiratory... at the end of our career we must to choose one of this subareas,to work for the rest of our lives.

we also do hospital visits... for example we alredy visit to the crs cordillera in peƱalolen with a head teacher valesca opazo in this hospital we could see the kids with movement problems and the treatment that she give to try to fix them.

in the past week we visit the teatro municipal and we see all the dancers practing for they presentation,the person who welcome us was ricardo vasquez...and there was a small room for the physical therapist where all the injured guys arrive there he give them the primary care.

this subjects is very important for us because it give us our first direct relation with the physical therapy in itself.

have a good weekend everyone!!!see you later!!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hi classmates
this time i`m going to speak about another topic... my favourite website... when I have time (before entering the university) i wasted much of my time visiting some websites such as: when I want to see a movie.
also when I want to see anime or read manga directly from Japan lol, saw the web
I loved these two pages because I found them the latest releases in movies and anime, these webs are also organized by genre and alphabetically, which greatly facilitates the search for something specific.
In mcanime and peliculasid I could revive the series that marked me when I was a child and even find other series that resemble those.
When I could have time to visit these sites more frequently those webs served me to pass more faster the boring evenings.
even now there are some series that I sill follow, and I try to see them when I can spare some time in this kind of things, because the university did not allow me to continue watching this series with the regularity that I was used to in the high school.

have a good week everyone!! bye

Friday, April 30, 2010

hi classmates!!!
this time i´m going to speak about the night of the 27/02... in my country that night was a huge and sudden earthquake, about 3.30 am, I have been on the pc till 3 am talking to my friends, then I went to take a shower before I go to sleep... after bath I went to bed around 3.30... when I just went to bed the earthquake started and I quckly stood up and dressed, then my parents and sister stood up too while the earthquake was still, the house craking much and the light turn off, then the earthquake finish and I turn on the radio in my cell and we found out what had happen and the magnitude of the earthquake at the national level. after hearing the news I went to see how my neighbors were, because their are very old... but their was ok, then I back to my house and I continued hearing the radio... then I go to sleep about 2pm... so in summary in this way I pass the earthquake

have a good week everyone!! bye

Friday, April 23, 2010

hello my classmates!
this time I going to speak about my future profession,physical therapy.
in my view are some skills that every physical therapy must have... an example of this is the vocation of public service, this is the most important because if you don´t have this, you gonna hate your job.
In my opinion the meaning of be a physical therapy is very important be care about you patient, because you gonna treatment you patient for a long time.
my expectations with the physical therapy is be a competent professional that can help people who need my help.Because everyday is more the people that go to the physical therapy to tratment for them wounds.
I decide become a physical therapy because since my childhood I have been very interested in the human movement.

have a good week everyone!! bye

Friday, April 16, 2010

hi everyone

hello classmates!!my name is freddy... i´m going to tell you about me.i have 18 years old,i live in santiago, i´m student of physical therapy, this is my first year in the university the travel from my home to the university is long, about 1 hrs... i hope pass all my subjects.i like play football and taca taca, have a good time with my friends.

have a good week evryone!! bye